Task #50
closedFeature #47: Enable mobile version of CMSDisplay
Epic #48: Enable android version for CMSDisplay
Create Keystore file
In order to aiming publishing in Google Play, and even to installed in a physical device, the app shall be signed using a keystore file.
To do that, the follow command was used:
keytool -genkey -v keystore CMS.keystore -alias CMSApp -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
The file CMS.keystore was generated and placed in ${project.folder}/relases
The following informations was used when asked:
Name: Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto
Company: Fernando.Engineer LLC
City/State/Country: Dallas,Texas,US
The password used was <typec-simple> password.
Now each apk/aab shall be signed using jarsign tool linking to this keystore file and informing the password.
After signing, any modification in the apk/aab file will corrupt the signature.