




Apply Clear

  • CMS

    Combat Management System Simulator

    • AIVDMDecoder

      Decoder for AIVDM/AIVDO messages based on NMEA0183 protocol


      Contains the AVRO Interfaces Description Language (.avdl files) for the CMS.
      Provides a standard domain model to be used inside all CMS components, regardless of its programming language.

    • CMSAvroJava

      Contains the Java Domain Model for the CMS
      Provides a standardized CMS Domain Model for Java components.

    • CMSDisplay

      Angular Single Page Application frontend for Combat Management System Simulator

    • TrackActorDatabase

      Spring Boot Java application is in encharged of providing relevant, sensitive, and customized information about Tracks, acting as a Track Classifier to help in the decision-making process.

    • TrackHandler

      Java backend Handler for Tracks @ Combat Management System Simulator

  • Docker chrome-java-node

    Chrome + Node 19 + Java 11 JRE Docker Image
    Image made to setup SonarQubr QA Jenkins pipeline (using docker agents) for NodeJS projects.
    Available in
    Headless Chrome is need for run unit tests using Karma framework and JRE is needed to run Sonar-scanner agent....

  • Fernando.Engineer Software Lab

    Comprises actions related to Fernando.Engineer LLC Software Lab

  • Leaflet Arc Marker

    Enables Marker Arcs icons in Leaflet.
    Available in public [NPMJs registry repository] ( to be used in other Leflet projects.
    Feature Details are available in the README of [GitHub]( / NPMJs...

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