



Task #49


Feature #47: Enable mobile version of CMSDisplay

Epic #48: Enable android version for CMSDisplay

Configure Cordova on CMSDisplay

Added by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
16:00 h
Spent time:
Actions #1

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto
  • Start date changed from 04/15/2023 to 04/14/2023
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10
Actions #2

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

Steps to integrate cordova :

Steps to build app (after cordova integration) :

  • 0 (optional) - From a fresh cloned repo (e.g. jenkins pipeline), run below to restore saved platforms and plugins. (For good practices we will later add a rm/clean stage to remove all autogenerated artifacts that dont need to be under scv)
    cordova prepare
  • 1 - Normal build to deliver to 'www' dist folder (as usual in the version for brownser) :
     ng build --configuration=production 
  • 2 - To delete previous build:
    cordova clean 
  • 3 - To build an 'app-debug.apk' in ${project.folder}/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
    cordova build 
  • 4 - To emulate the created apk, with Android Studio open, turn on virtual device and after initialization :
     cordova emulate android 
  • 5 - If want to run this debug.apk in your own mobiphone, first the app need to be signed using the same process mentioned in step 7 below. Then, since is a unknown app (not provided by Google Play) the strategy is upload the file to google drive, download it in the physical device, and allow the installation from unknown source.
  • 6 - To release the app (a file will be created on ${project.folder}/android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab) use
    cordova build --release android 
  • 7 - The bundle file need to be signed before uploading it to Google Play, the sign process uses the keystore created in Task 49 (currently available in ${project.folder}/releases/CMS.keystore using
    jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digest SHA1 -keystore CMS.keystore <app-filename> CMSApp

    8 - After signing the final result is:
    >>> Signer
        X.509, CN=Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto, OU=Fernando.Engineer LLC, O=Fernando.Engineer LLC, L=Dallas, ST=Texas, C=US
        Signature algorithm: SHA256withRSA, 2048-bit key
        [trusted certificate]
    jar signed.

9 - Automatic signing is possible using

cordova build android --release -- --keystore=CMS.keystore --storePassword=cv34erdf --alias=CMSApp --password=cv34erdf --packageType=bundle

10 - To run app in a real device, after pairing it with android studio run:

cordova run android --device 

Actions #3

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • Subject changed from Configura Cordova on CMSDisplay to Configure Cordova on CMSDisplay
Actions #4

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 10 to 20
  • Estimated time set to 16:00 h
Actions #5

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 20 to 50
Actions #6

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 80
Actions #7

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Testing
Actions #8

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Testing to Merging
  • % Done changed from 80 to 90
Actions #9

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • Due date set to 04/19/2023
Actions #10

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Merging to Testing
Actions #11

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Testing to Deliver
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
Actions #12

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Deliver to Done
Actions #13

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Done to Closed

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