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Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto, 04/01/2023 07:13 AM
1 | 1 | Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto | h1. Combat Management System Simulator DISPLAY |
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3 | CMSDisplay is the frontend component providing UI for the Combat Management System Simulator/Game. |
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5 | Based on AngularJS and built using reactive programming and Leaflet map features. |
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7 | CMSDisplay is a Kafka subscriber off [TrackHandler]( CMS microservice component, and also do HTTP API REST requests to it. |
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15 | h2. Components |
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19 | h3. Map |
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21 | Map Component is the main activity, provides the world map where everything happens.<br> |
22 | Track is the main entity of the CMS and is basically a ship (but can also be another kind of object travelling in the world, e.g a Missile WEAPON! So take care!)<br> |
23 | Through the map is possible visualize and select Tracks.<br> |
24 | For each Track is also possible visualize some of its interesting characteristcs for instance: |
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26 | |!! | - The route history (represented by a dashed line behind it) |
27 | - The projected route (represented by a thin solid line starting from its bow) |
28 | - The projected route (represented by a thin solid line starting from its bow) |
29 | - The size of the projected route is a consequence of the Track SoG (Speed Over Groud) and its default value represent 1 hour of navigation at that given speed. |
30 | - The Self-Noise produced, represented by a orange Circle Marker around the Track. |
31 | - The noise is assumed isotropical and its range depends also from Track Speed, but also other parameters from Track specification (namely Self-Noise parameters) |
32 | - The area represented by the self noise is the area where the Track is vulnerable to be detected by a passive Sonar (so don't speed up too much or you'll be discovered, which reminds us of our next feature..) |
33 | - The detection area of your passive Sonar, represented by a blue [Arc Marker]( around the Track. |
34 | - The passive Sonar azimuth and distance range are Track built-in parameter from Track specification and can be changed only if you replace your equipment (coming soon ;)) |
35 | - Passive Sonar characteristics can also be affected by the sea conditions (also coming soon ;)) |
36 | The detection area of your active Radar, represented by a green [Arc Marker]( around the Track. |
37 | - The Radar bean azimuth, distance range and antenna speed rotation are also Track built-in parameters from Track specification. | |
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41 | h3. Track-List |
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44 | |!! | Components witch provides a list of existing Tracks on the CMS.<br> |
45 | The list can be minimized and when expanded present the Track Id and Name providing tracking selection capabilities.<br> |
46 | When [TrackHandler]( is on, its color is green, when the server is of, its changes to red. | |
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50 | h3. TrackInfo |
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53 | |!! | Component providing real time information about the selected Track, its Tactical Situation, Performance and Specification.<br> |
54 | Through this component is possible to control the The Track, if it belongs to you, including the following actions: - Self-Destruction: |
55 | - Clicking this button a delete HTTP API request will be sent to [TrackHandler]( and your ship will be destroyed. |
56 | - Kinematic Control: |
57 | - Using the "-" and "+" buttons around CoG (Course Over Ground) and SoG (Speed Over Ground) [TrackHandler]( will be requested to change its values. |
58 | - Please be aware that as in real life, your maneuver is not automatic: The time your ship will take to meet the speeds and ordered courses also depends on constructive factors. (notably 'Tactical Performance' parameters, also displayed in the TrackInfo component). |
59 | - While the Current CoG and SoG is not the ordered ones, the values transition is highlighed in red in the TrackInfo. |
60 | - Launch Weapon: |
61 | - Clicking it, your ship will launch a Missile (that is a new Track in the CMS) if your ship have available weapons. |
62 | The TrackInfo panel can be partial or fully minimized.<br> |
63 | When [TrackHandler]( is on, its color is blue, when the server is of, its changes to red.| |
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67 | h3. Track-Alerts |
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70 | |!! | Components witch provides a list of CMS Alerts.<br> |
71 | The list can be minimized and when expanded present the alerts sent by other CMS components (e.g [TrackHandler](<br> |
72 | When [TrackHandler]( is on, its color is yellow, when the server is of, its changes to red.| |