Task #43
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago
Create CMS_Deploy Jenkins pipeline : - a) pull specified versions from CMS artifacts from the Docker hub; - b) trigger docker-compose recreation on Prod; - c) The services and containers names shall match the CMS artifact release versions in the docker-compose file - d) During the process, will create a backup for the database volume, to allow revert/recovery actions. = Update of Apr 11th = * Updated pipelines https://jenkins.fernando.engineer/job/CMS_Deploy/ and https://jenkins.fernando.engineer/job/CMS_Interrupt/ ** CMS_Deploy is parameterised allowing selection of which release shall be used for each component. (Already working) = Pending = * Database backup process : To create a new parameterised option in pipeline allowing database backup before triggering the new deploy to allow recovering process in case of non-automatic data migration (automatic data migration shall be reinforced prioritizing "#Task 20 Use Liquibase to safely evolve database schema.":/issues/20