Task #40
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
Create a release branch CMSDisplay_Deliver Jenkins pipeline w steps: Test -> Build -> Create Docker Img -> Publish Docker Img.
(This pipeline shall be used only over 'releases' branches and shall be compliant with other CMS artifacts in the same 'main' release.
(e.g. 'cms-display:N.x.y' is compatible with 'trackhandler:N.z.w', but 'cms-display:M.b.c' is not necessarily. The same logic applies to any other CMS artifacts.
* Created Jenkins Pipeline CMSDisplay_Deliver at https://jenkins.fernando.engineer/job/CMSDisplay_Deliver/
== Pending ==
Add Test stage in 1st step for the pipeline (depending of "Bug #39: Enable ng test stage":/issues/39