


Feature #23

Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago

To allow Continuous Integration / Delivery / Deploy for CMSDisplay, the following tasks need are needed : 
 * "Dockerize CMSDisplay":/issues/32 
 * Migrate Kafka Server from Confluence to and specialized topics for test and prod environments. 
  - Depends on: "Deploy dedicate Kafka Broker":/issues/11 and include "specialized topics in TrackHandler profiles":/issues/34 . 
 * Specialize RabbitMQ queues for test and prod environments. 
 - Depends on: "include specialized RabbitMQ queues in TrackHandler profiles":/issues/35 . 
 * "Create a multi-topic branch CMSDisplay_Sonar Jenkins pipeline to trigger SonarQube code analysis":/issues/37 .  

 Test Env: 
 * "Create a muti-topic branch CMS_IntegrationTest Jenkins Pipeline":/issues/38 w/ steps:  

 Production Env: (Release periodicity is intended to be weekly, but patches can be released at any time and will override current weekly release.)  
 * "Create a release branch CMSDisplay_Deliver Jenkins pipeline":/issues/40 
 - (This pipeline shall be used only over 'releases' branches and shall be compliant with other CMS artifacts in the same 'main' release. 
 * "Modify Modify current TrackHandler_Delivery Jenkins pipeline policy to be used only over 'release' branches.":/issues/41 branches.  
 * Modify the current TrackHandler_CodeQualityCheck Jenkins pipeline to allow 'per branch' analysis on SonarQube. 
 * Create CMS_Deploy Jenkins pipeline : 
 - a) pull specified versions from CMS artifacts from the Docker hub; 
 - b) trigger docker-compose recreation on Prod; 
 - c) The services and containers names shall match the CMS artifact release versions in the docker-compose file 
 - d) During the process, will create a backup for the database volume, to allow revert/recovery actions. 
 * Modify nginx at according. 

 - Document these Standards. 
