Epic #7
openCMS - Feature #1: AIS Integration
Consuming/Exhibiting singular AISMessages and consolidated AISTracks messages
Start date:
Due date:
04/04/2023 (about 24 months late)
% Done:
Estimated time:
2:00 h (Total: 114:00 h)
Spent time:
(Total: 28:30 h)
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Subject changed from AIS Integration to Consuming/Exhibiting singular AISMessages and consolidated AISTracks messages
- Assignee set to Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Estimated time set to 32:00 h
CMSDisplay shall consume all singular AISMessages sent and shall consume each consolidated AISTrack message.
An AISTrack message comprises the data fusion of N AISMessages sent to the same ship (MMSI) over time.
An AISMessage is just a singular update for a given ship (MMSI) sent at any time.
If the AISTrack has a position, it shall be represented on the map with selection capability.
When selected, an AISTrack panel shall be exhibited, including:
- primary tab: 'AIS Track' The information for the consolidated AISTrack message.
- second tab: 'AIS Messages" a selectable list of all singular AISMessages received for this AISTrack over time.
- When a singular AISMessage is clicked, the specific message content is exhibited in the same tab. A Back button/link is provided to navigate back to the singular list.
When selected, if the AISTrack is represented on the map, its icon shall change to represent that selection.
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Due date set to 04/04/2023
- Estimated time changed from 32:00 h to 80:00 h
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Estimated time changed from 80:00 h to 16:00 h
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Estimated time changed from 16:00 h to 2:00 h
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress