Task #38
openFeature #23: Stablish standards and practices to enhance DevOps CI/CD processes.
Create a muti-topic branch CMS_IntegrationTest Jenkins Pipeline
Create a muti-topic branch CMS_IntegrationTest Jenkins Pipeline w/ steps:
- a) For TrackHandler: Test - Build - Create Docker Img (Tagged with '1.0-SNAPSHOT', using 'integration-test' spring boot profile, transient to be deleted after test)
- b) For CMSDisplay: Test - Build - Create Docker Img (Tagged with '1.0-SNAPSHOT', pointing to TrackHandler port exposed in the spring boot profile above, the image is also transient to be deleted after the test)
- c) Using a dedicated docker-compose file enclosing both CMS microservices, including a test DB instance with its admin, and start a Cloud Instance over this docker-compose to test the snapshot(s).
- d) The pipeline shall allow specifying the branch for each service.
- e) Document in the CMS wiki the environment vars and profiles used to distinguish from production (Kafka, Rabbit, exposed ports)
- (1) Created multitopic TrackHandler_Snapshot_Deliver https://jenkins.fernando.engineer/job/TrackHandler_Snapshot_Deliver/ that Test, Build, Publish Jar to Nexus, Create and Publish a Snapshot Image to Docker Hub.
- The Dockerfile for this version expose port 2977 and allow the further usage of this image in a docker-container for integratedtests profile. (to be containerized with or without cmsdisplay for tests)
- (2) Created multitopic CMSDisplay_Deliver_Snapshot https://jenkins.fernando.engineer/job/CMSDisplay_Deliver_Snapshot/ that publishes an snapshot of CMSDisplay, built under environment=integrationtests to DockerHub
- (3) Enabled https://jenkins.fernando.engineer/job/CMS_Development_Deploy/ and https://jenkins.fernando.engineer/job/CMS_Development_Interrupt/ that turn on and off a CMS DEV using docker-compose connecting last images of trackHandler:snapshot (produced in [1]) and cmsdisplay:snapshot (produced in [2*]) availables on Docker Hub.
- The entrypoint for the application is https://cms.dev.lab.fernando.engineer , which its nginx proxy conf maps this hostname over ssl to port 2983 according lab.fernando.engineer port scheme.
The following docker-compose file is being used for how:
version: '3' services: cmsdisplay-test: container_name: cmsdisplay-integrationtests image: fjcapeletto/cmsdisplay:snapshot ports: - "2983:80" depends_on: - trackhandler-test trackhandler-test: container_name: trackhandler-integrationtests image: fjcapeletto/trackhandler:snapshot environment: - SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=integrationtests ports: - "2977:2977" depends_on: - th-psql-test th-psql-test: container_name: trackhandlerdb-integrationtests-psql image: postgres restart: unless-stopped environment: - POSTGRES_USER=postgres - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=trackhandlerpwd - POSTGRES_DB=trackhandlerdb ports: - "6432:5432" volumes: - trackhandlertest_db:/var/lib/postgresql - postgresql_datatest:/var/lib/postgresql/data pgadmin-test: container_name: trackhandlerpgadmin-integrationtests image: dpage/pgadmin4 restart: always environment: PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL: admin@admin.com PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD: root ports: - "6051:80" volumes: trackhandlertest_db: {} postgresql_datatest: {}Missing * Configure the deployment on cloud.
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Due date set to 04/25/2023
- Estimated time set to 32:00 h
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Start date deleted (
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto
- Start date set to 04/06/2023
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- % Done changed from 10 to 30
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago
- Description updated (diff)
- % Done changed from 30 to 40
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto over 1 year ago
- Description updated (diff)
- % Done changed from 40 to 50