Feature #13
openEnable Sensor Detection
Start date:
Due date:
05/23/2023 (about 22 months late)
% Done:
Estimated time:
320:00 h
- Each Track shall be able to detect and exhibit those detections about other tracks in the range of its Sensors.
- Detection is defined as the energy produced by a given track (except himself) whose energy position is inside the detection area for a given sensor.
- This detection can be represented graphically by one or a collection of coordinates defining a point or a shape. Each coordinate has attributes characterizing the detection according to the sensor type.
- In the case of Radar, this 1st version only detects tracks, providing the distance and azimuth of its central coordinate.
- In the case of Sonar, each detection coordinate has a noise level in dB and a frequency in Hz
- In the case of RESM (not implemented yet), the detection will also be a shape defined by a collection of coordinates, where each coordinate has an electromagnetic field value in Tesla and a frequency in Hz.
Updated by Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto almost 2 years ago
- Start date deleted (